July 1
1862- Lee's last effort to disrupt McClellan's retreat is repulsed at Maven Hill, Va.,

ending the Seven Days' Battle.
- The U.S. Congress authorizes construction of a transcontinental railroad.
1863- Confederates A.P. Hill and Ewell rout Meade's advance forces at Gettysburg;

Lee concentrates on Seminary Ridge, and Meade on Cemetery Ridge.
July 2
1862- Lincoln calls for 300,000 three-year enlistments.
- The U.S. Congress passes the Morrill Act, providing land grants to states for

agricultural colleges.
1863- Lee's heavy attacks on both ends of Meade's Gettysburg lines are repulsed.
- Stuart rejoins Lee.
July 3
1862- McClellan entrenches at Harrison's Landing, Va., on the James River.
1863- Lee orders an attack on Meade's center; "Pickett's Charge" is broken, ending

the three-day Battle of Gettysburg.
- Pemberton asks Grant for terms for Vicksburg's surrender.
- Bragg, outmaneuvered by Rosecrans, retreats to Chattanooga.
1864- Johnston withdraws from Kennesaw Mountain to his Chattahoochee River

defenses to escape Sherman's flanking movement.
July 4
1861- A special session of the U.S. Congress convenes.
1863- Vicksburg, with 300,000 troops, surrenders to Grant.
1864- The U.S. Congress passes the Wade-Davis Bill, a stiff reconstruction

measure which Lincoln refuses to sign.
July 5
1863- Lee retreats from Gettysburg.
July 6
1864- Early crosses the Potomac River into Maryland.
July 7
1863- Finding the Potomac flooded, Lee entrenches at Williamsport, Md. ; Meade

refrains from attacking.
July 8
1863- Confederate unconditionally surrender Port Hudson, La., last Confederate

garrison on the Mississippi.
July 9
1863- The surrender of Port Hudson, La., gives the Federals control of the

Mississippi River, thus splitting the Confederacy.
- John Hunt Morgan leads a Confederate cavalry raid across the Ohio River.
1864- Johnston withdraws from the Chattahoochee River line as Sherman outflanks

him and pushes toward Atlanta.
- Early reaches Frederick, Md., and wins a victory at Monocacy.
July 10
1863- Federal forces land on Morris Island near Charleston, S.C., and begin siege of

Fort Wagner that will last until September.
July 11
1861- McClellan wins the Battle of Rich Mountain in western Virginia.
1862- Halleck becomes general in chief of the Union armies.
1864- Reinforcements from the Army of the Potomac arrive in Washington to protect

the capital.
July 12
1864- Early is forced to withdraw to Shenandoah Valley after reaching the outskirts

of Washington.
July 13
1863- In New York City a mob of 50,000 begin four-day draft riots.
July 14
1862- Pope leads an advance of the Union Army of Virginia upon Gordonsville, Va.
1863- Lee completes his withdrawal across the Potomac River; Maj. Gen. Harry

Heth fights a rearguard action at Falling Waters, Md.
July 15
1864- Union Maj. Gen. A.J. Smith withdraws from Tupelo, Miss., despite a tactical

victory over Forrest and Lt. Gen. Stephen D. Lee.
July 16
1861- McDowell's Union army advances upon Manassas Junction, Va
1863- Federal troops restore order in New York City.
July 17
1862- The U.S. Congress passes a second Confiscation Act, freeing the slaves of

those who support rebellion.
1864- General John Bell Hood replaces Johnston in command of the Confederate

Army of Tennessee as Sherman nears Atlanta.
July 18
1863- Federal Maj. Gen. John G. Foster assumes command of the Department of

Virginia and North Carolina.
July 19
1863- Over half of Morgan's force is captured at Buffington, Ohio.
July 20
1861- Maj. Gen. Joseph E. Johnston's Rebel troops from the Shenandoah Valley

join Brig. Gen. P.G.T. Beauregard at Manassas Junction.
- The Confederate Congress convenes at Richmond.
1864- Hood's attack on the Federals at Peachtree Creek, Ga., is repulsed;

Sherman moves to cut Atlanta's rail connections.
July 21
1861- The First Battle of Bull Run ( First Manassas) ends in rout of McDowell's

Union forces.
- Maj. Gen. John C. Frémont assumes command of Union forces in the West,

at St. Louis.
- R.M.T. Hunter replaces Robert Toombs as the Confederate Secretary of

July 22
1862- A cartel, providing for prisoner exchange, is signed by the North and the

- Lincoln shows his first draft of the Emancipation Proclamtion to his cabinet.
1864- Hood fails to turn Sherman's flank at the Battle of Atlanta; Union Maj. Gen.

James B. McPherson is killed.
July 23
1862- Maj. Gen. Henry Wager Halleck assumes command of the armies of the U.S.
July 24
1863- The Army of Northern Virginia begins to concentrate at Culpeper Hill, Va.
1864- Early defeats Union troops at Kernstown in the Shenandoah Valley.
July 25
1861- The U.S. Congress passes the Crittenden Resolution, declaring the object of

the war to be the preservation of the Union.
July 26
1863- Morgan surrenders at New Lisbon, Ohio.
July 27
1861- McClellan replaces McDowell as commander of Federal troops in the

Washington area.
July 28
1864- Federal troops making a feint at Richmond are repulsed at Deep Bottom, Va.
- At Ezra Church, Ga., Hood's third attack on Sherman is broken.
July 29
1862- The Alabama leaves Liverpool, England, to begin attacks upon Northern

July 30
1864- A Federal mine breaches Lee's Petersburg lines, but the Rebels halt the

Union breakthrough at the Battle of the Crater.
- Brig. Gen. John McCausland's Rebel cavalry burns Chambersburg, Pa.
July 31
1864- George Stoneman's Union cavalry attempts to liberate Andersonville prisoners

but is captured by Maj. Gen. Joseph Wheeler near Macon, Ga.