November 1
1861- Gen. Winfield Scott resigns as Federal General-in-Chief, to be replaced by

Gen. George. B. McClellan.
November 2
1861- Maj. Gen. John C. Frémont is relieved of command of the Union's Western

1862- Grant launches a campaign from the Tennessee border to capture Vicksburg,

November 3
1816- Jubal Anderson Early (CSA) is born in Franklin County, Va.
November 4
1862- With conquest of Vicksburg in mind, Gen. Grant's forces occupy La Grange

and Grand Junction, Tenn.
- The Republicans suffer a setback in congressional and state elections in the

1863- Longstreet's troops are detached from Bragg to attack Burnside at Knoxville.
November 5
1818- Benjamin Franklin Butler (USA) is born in Deerfield, N.H.
1862- Pres. Lincoln relieves McClellan of command of the Army of the Potomac,

replacing him with Burnside.
November 6
1860- Lincoln is elected president of the United States.
1861- Davis and Stephens are elected to full six-year terms as Confederate

President and vice-president.
November 7
1837- Elijah Parish Lovejoy (b. 1802), U.S. abolitionist and newspaperman, is killed

in a riot over the slavery issue; becomes known as the "martyr abolitionist.
1861- Grant suffers a tactical defeat at Belmont, Mo.
- Flag Officer Samuel F. Du Pont's Federal forces take Port Royal, S.C.
November 8
1861- Capt. Charles Wilkes seizes the Confederate envoys James M. Madison and

John Slidell, aboard the British mail steamer Trent .
1864- Abraham Lincoln is reelected president of the U.S., with Andrew Johnson of

Tennessee as vice-president.
November 9
1825- A.P. (Ambrose Powell) Hill (CSA) is born in Culpepper, Va.
1860- South Carolina calls a secession convention.
1861- Brig. Gen. Don Carlos Buell replaces Sherman.
November 10
1860- South Carolina's James Chestnut, a moderate, resigns from the Senate, to be

followed by his colleague James H. Hammond.
1862- Maj. Gen. George B. McClellan takes an emotional, spectacular farewell of

the Army of the Potomac.
1863- Lee withdraws to a line on the Rapidan River after the indecisive Bristoe

November 11
1864- Federals at Rome, Ga., destroy bridges, foundries, warehouses, and other

property of use to the enemy and proceed toward Atlanta.
November 12
1861- The Confederate blockade-runner Fingal, bought in England, arrives in

Savannah with military supplies.
November 13
1814- Joseph (Fighting Joe) Hooker (USA) is born in Hadley, Mass.
November 14
1862- In New Orleans, a proclamation calls for election of members of the U.S.

Congress fro portions of the state held by Federals.
November 15
1860- Maj. Robert Anderson is sent to take command of Charleston defenses.
1861- The YMCA organizes the U.S. Christian Commission for service to Federal

November 16
1864- Gen. Sherman and 60,000 Union troops leave burned-out Atlanta, beginning

their famous March to the Sea.
November 17
1862- Burnside reaches the north bank of the Rappahannock River, opposite

Fredericksburg, Va.
1863- Confederate siege of Knoxville Tenn., gets under way; partial siege of

Chattanooga continues.
November 18
1864- Pres. Davis tells Gen. Howell Cobb at Macon to "get out every man who can

render any service even for a short period" to oppose Sherman.
November 19
1861- Maj. Gen. Henry W. Halleck replaces Frémont in command of the Union

forces in Missouri.
1863- Abraham Lincoln delivers the Gettysburg Address at a dedication ceremony

for the new national cemetery.
1864- Hood, joined by Forrest's cavalry, opens a drive on Nashville.
November 20
1862- Gen. Lee arrives at Fredericksburg, Va., as buildup of Union and Confederate

troops continue on the Rappahannock.
1863- Sherman arrives at Chattanooga with reinforcements from the Army of the

November 21
1861- Pres. Davis names Judah P. Benjamin secretary of the war.
1862- Lee's army entrenches in a defensive position at Fredericksburg.
- Pres. Davis appoints James A. Seddon as Confederate Secretary of War.
November 22
1864- Gen. Slocum's wing of Sherman's army occupies Georgia state capital at

November 23
1803- Theodore Dwight Weld "The Great Abolitionist is born in Hampton, Conn.
1860- Anderson asks for reinforcements at Charleston.
1863- Thomas opens the Battle of Chattanooga by taking Orchard Knob in front of

Missionary Ridge.
November 24
1862- Confederate Gen. Joseph E. Johnston is assigned to the major command in

the West, comprising six states.
1863- Hooker pushes Bragg's men off Lookout Mountain; Sherman crosses the

Tennessee River to attack the opposite end of Bragg's Missionary Ridge line.
November 25
1863- Sherman's attack on Bragg's right is halted; Thomas' Army of the Cumberland

charges up Missionary Ridge to rout the Confederates; Bragg retreats into

1864- Confederate agents set fires in ten or more New York hotels and in Barnum's

Museum; none does serious damage.
November 26
1861- A convention at Wheeling adopts a constitution for a new state to be called

West Virginia, created by secession from Virginia.
1863- Meade crosses the Rapidan River to probe the Army of Northern Virginia's

defenses along Mine Run, west of Chancellorsville.
November 27
1863- Gen. John Hunt Morgan and several of his officers escape from the Ohio

State Penitentiary and manage to reach Confederate Territory.
November 28
1860- Anderson calls again for reinforcements.
1861- Southern Congress officially admits Missouri to the Confederate States of

November 29
1863- Longstreet unsuccessfully attacks Union Fort Sanders, guarding Knoxville.
November 30
1861- The British government demands the release of Mason and Slidell and an

apology for their seizure.
1862- Jackson arrives at Fredericksburg from the Shenandoah Valley.
1863- Gathering his defeated army in northwest Georgia, Braxton Bragg learns that

his resignation has been accepted by Jefferson Davis.
1864- Hood makes a heavy frontal attack on Schofield at Franklin, Tenn., but fails to

cut off his retreat to Nashville; five Confederate generals are killed.