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The Upidee Song
The shades of night were falling fast,
Tra la la! Tra la la!
The bugler blew his well known blast,
Tra la la la la
No matter be there rain or snow
That bugler still is bound to blow


Up-i-de-i de-i da!
Up-i-de-i de-i da!

He saw, as in their bunks they lay,
Tra la la! Tra la la!
How soldiers spent the dawning day
Tra la la la la
"There's too much comfort there," said he,
"And so I'll blow the 'Reveille'."


In nice log huts he saw the light,
Tra la la! Tra la la!
Of cabin fires, warm and bright,
Tra la la la la
The sight afforded him no heat,
And so he sounded the "Retreat"


Upon the fire he spied a pot
Tra la la! Tra la la!
Choicest viands smoking hot
Tra la la la la
Says he, "You shan't enjoy the stew,"
So "Boots And Saddles" loudly blew


They scarce their half-cooked meal begin
Tra la la! Tra la la!
Ere orderly cries out, "Fall in!"
Tra la la la la
Then off they march through mud and rain,
P'raps only to march back again


But soldiers, you are made to fight
Tra la la! Tra la la!
To starve all day and march all night
Tra la la la la
Perchance, if you get bread and meat
That bugler will not let you eat


Oh hasten then , that glorious day
Tra la la! Tra la la!
When buglers shall no longer play
Tra la la la la
When we, through Peace, shall be set free
From "Tattoo", "Taps", and "Reveille"
