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Sixty-Three is the Jubilee
A Soldier's Life
Oh, darkeys hab ye heerd it, hab ye heerd de joyful news?
Uncle Abram's' gwine to free us, and he'll send us where we chuse,
For de Jubilee is comin' don't ye sniff it in de air!
And sixty-three is the Jubilee for de darkeys eb'ry where!


Oh, de Jubilee is comin',
Don't ye sniff it in de air?
And sixty-three is the Jubilee
For de darkeys eb'ry where!

Ole massa, he hab heerd it, don't it make him awful blue?
Won't Ole Missus be a ravin' when she finds it comin' true?
'Specs dar'll be a dreffle shakin', such as Jeffy cannot stand -
'Cause kingdom come is a movin' now, and a clawin' tro' de land!


No more we'll work for nuffin', but we'll own a little farm,
And no more dey'll sell our chil'en, but we'll keep 'em from all harm,
And no more we'll pick de cotton, and no more we'll feel de lash,
We'll shout, and drum on de ole banjo, 'till we break it all to smash!


Dar'll be a big skedaddle, now ole sixty-three hab come!
And de darkeys dey will holler 'till dey make de country hum!
Oh, we tanks Ole Uncle Abra'm, yes, we bress him day and night,
Ad pray de Lord bress de Union folks, and de battle for de right.
